We Check In Each Semester

Approximately one month before registration, the Honors College will begin providing coaching for the following semester. All Honors students are required to make an appointment with an Honors success coach for their biannual registration. Each honors student also has an academic advisor assigned to them.  It is important to meet with your academic advisor to plan your courses each semester and to know where you stand toward graduation.  To find your academic advisor visit Advising & Student Transitions.

During your Honors meeting, your success coach will go over your Honors curriculum for the next semester. This will include picking out classes for the following semester, and going through Honors requirements for graduation. 

Important to know: We require Honors students to see their intended major advisor first. 

Set up an appointment with an Honors College Success Coach

Email: honors@modonexpress.net
Phone: (320) 308-6623
In Person: 216 Centennial Hall

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