Environmental / Occupational Safety and Health

Spill Prevention Control and Counter Measure Plan (SPCC)

In accordance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency Regulations regarding oil pollution prevention, SCSU has prepared this Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures plan, here-after known as the SPCC plan, in compliance with (part 112, 40CFR) and revisions of July 17, 2002.

Under the Clean Water Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can conduct compliance inspections of a facility for which an SPCC plan is required. St. Cloud State is the owner/operator of a non transportation facility with above ground oil storage and located in such an area that can reasonably be expected to discharge oil into a brook or river, the plan is relevant.

The SPCC plan has taken into consideration Oil Spill Prevention and Response. As outlined in Facilities Response Plan section of 40 CFR, St. Cloud State has met all of the requirements of both the "Elements of a Model Plan" and the "Critical Elements of a Plan". The program contains an action plan, is cross-referenced with other policies and procedures and is facility specific.

Copies of the SPCC Plan are located in, and can be obtained from the campus Safety Administrator and the Physical Plant (Office of the Director in the Maintenance Building). This SPCC plan will be amended if and when a change in the facility design, construction, operation or maintenance affects the potential for a discharge of oil into the environment. If a change in the facility does not take place, and there are no new technological advances in oil spill prevention and control, then St. Cloud State will review and update the SPCC plan every (5) years, as required.

Spill Prevention documents are available to current St. Cloud State University faculty, staff and students through SharePoint:

  • Spill Prevention Control and Counter Measure Plan (SPCC)

Spill Prevention Documents
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