Your Job and Internship Resource Hub

由于网上和其他地方有大量可用的资源,寻找和确保工作可能既耗时又令人困惑. The St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城就业中心提供了一些资源,可以帮助你专注于当前的求职.

Handshake是SCSU所有校园就业的主要来源,包括研究生助教奖学金. Students can search and apply for positions. 

How can we support your job search today?

Graduate Assistantships and Handshake

Graduate Assistantships

所有目前可用的研究生助理职位都可以在Handshake上找到. Log in using your Star ID and password. To request an account, contact the Career Center at

Position Spotlights (as of June 3, 2024)
哈士奇事件和活动队GA -阿特伍德纪念中心

计算机科学GA -计算机科学与信息技术
Marketing GA - University Library

Additional Handshake Resources

在Handshake注册用户可以获得以下就业机会和资源. To request an account, contact the Career Center at

  • Full- and part-time jobs
  • Internships
  • Work study jobs
  • Graduate assistantships
  • Career events and job and internship fairs
  • Candid Career videos for career preparation
  • On-campus interviews
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Mock Interviews, LinkedIn Reviews and Resume Reviews


International Student Career Planning

美国对在校期间在校外打工的国际学生有严格的规定和指导方针. 为了在毕业后更好地为潜在的校外就业做好准备,你可以探索和回顾这些职业规划资源和建议.

SCSU的国际学生继续在这些学校和许多其他美国学校工作.S. employers:

  • 3M
  • Amazon
  • Boston Scientific
  • CentraCare Health Systems
  • Medtronic
  • Open Access Technology International, Inc.
  • UnitedHealth Group
  • Veritas Technologies LLC
  • Wells Fargo
  • Wolters Kluwer Financial Services



Job and Internship Tips

Values of U.S. Employers

Job Search Websites


Our Top Job Search Sites

Jobs in Minnesota

Government Jobs

Entry-Level Positions

Remote Work

International Jobs and Teaching Abroad

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